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Earrings  are customizable!

Créez vos propres boucles d'oreilles personnalisés avec des initiales. Un cadeau parfait pour des amoureux, amis , mom,  special someone in your life or a great treat for yourself.  The earrings are reversible. They are suitable for all ages.


To personalize your earrings choose from the different options

  • INITIALS of the earrings: la gauche and la droite (letters are uppercase, no accents, no special symbols: dash, apostrophe, period…)
  • COULEUR  “alphabet” beads  (Please see photos to see different letter varieties)

Earrings with Initials SAFETY PIN P+ B = LOVE

    • Acrylic "alphabet" letters rondes dimension 7 mm, printed on the 2 faces. All letters are uppercase (no accents, no special symbols: hyphen, apostrophe, period…)
    • Metallic Tibetan beads 0.3x0.4cm.
    • Metal hook brackets (nickel and lead free)
    • Total length +/- 3.7cm.

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